What is the Patient Zone?

If you have travelled with us before, the Patient Zone is an online tool that allows you to book transport, manage your bookings, and check your journey status. You can also cancel a booking if you no longer need transport.

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Getting started

You can get started with the Patient Zone by following the steps below. Please note that you must book your first journey with us over the phone and register your details to start using the Patient Zone. Call your local booking and information team for more details.

Step 1 - Create your account

To get started, you must first register your details with us over the phone. Once we have your details, you can access the Patient Zone via the button below and click “Create Account”. Next, add your NHS number and Date of Birth and click “Find Me”.

EMED Patient Zone app
Step 2 - Confirm your details

If you are registered with us, the Patient Zone will find your details and ask you to confirm that these are correct. When you confirm, a PIN number will be sent to the email address you provided when you first registered. Enter your PIN and you will be asked to create a new username and password to create your account.

EMED Patient Zone app
Step 3 - Login to the Patient Zone

Now that you’ve created your account, you can login to the Patient Zone to start booking your transport, manage your existing bookings, check on the status of your bookings or even cancel a transport booking if it is no longer required. If you have any issues accessing the Patient Zone, get in touch with our team.

EMED Patient Zone app
Get in touch

If you have a question or simply want to find out more about the Patient Zone, please fill in the form to be contacted by one of our representatives, who will be happy to help.