Welcome to EMED from Contract Director Tom Maidman
Important update for SCAS colleagues regarding the location of bases and office space

Please read this important update for more information regarding your NHS Pension scheme and the process we will follow to ensure you remain in the scheme if eligible. Click here to find out more.

Get In touch

Welcome to the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West (BOB) and Frimley NEPTS TUPE feedback page. We know you will have lots of questions about your TUPE transfer from SCAS to EMED Group so we’ve prepared some FAQs for you below.

If you want to reach out to our HR team, please use the contact form to send us any questions or comments and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note, this form is for TUPE enquiries from SCAS staff transferring to EMED Group as part of the new patient transport service commencing in BOB and Frimley in April 2025.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Latest updates

Our latest news and updates for SCAS staff.

Request for Training Certificates

As part of your transition to EMED, we are working to ensure a smooth and efficient transfer process. To help us expedite this and avoid any unnecessary re-training, we kindly ask you to share any relevant training certificates you may have, such as First Aid, Manual Handling, or any other relevant qualifications for your role.

In addition, please include any e-learning certificates you have obtained, such as those from eLFH or similar systems. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Health & Safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Infection Prevention & Control
  • The Oliver McGowan Training on Disability & Autism

While we will be requesting your training records from your current employer, having your certificates directly from you will help us verify and update our records more quickly.

Please send scanned copies or clear photos of your certificates to training@emedgroup.co.uk at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your cooperation and support during this transition. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Read EMED's latest OWL newsletter

Every quarter EMED published an Organisation-Wide Learning newsletter, Here is issue two, published in January 2025.

OWL Issue 2 January 2025

Slides from Online Engagement Event on the 8th of August

If you would like to download the PowerPoint presentation from the online engagement event on the 8th of August, please head to the Downloads section further down the page

A Further Update on Base Locations 

As promised, we are providing further updates regarding locations. Please note, the below are subject to legal clearances. Once complete, we will provide a further update. I can confirm we are exploring satellite units, where appropriate, however these are subject to availability. These regions are designed to streamline operations.

We are asking colleagues to confirm their preferred locations for April 2025 in the very near future.

Here is the status of each base:

  1. Oxford – London Road, Wheatley, OX33 (In the legal process).
  2. Reading – We continue using the current SCAS site while our legal team finalises details.
  3. Slough – Albion Close, Slough, SL2 5DT. Legals complete and we have possession.
  4. Farnborough – Hawley Lane Trade Centre, Farnborough, GU14 8EH (Going through legal stages).
  5. Aylesbury – Bicester Road Industrial Estate, Faraday Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8RY (Going through legal stages).
  6. Banbury – Review and assessment are ongoing.
  7. Abingdon – Nuffield Way, Abingdon, OX14 1RL (Going through legal stages).
  8. Bicester (Contact Centre Only) Review and assessment are ongoing.

We will keep you informed of progress and any changes to base locations as they develop. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work toward providing improved facilities and support for our staff across all regions.

Life at EMED Group

Wondering what it’s like to work for EMED Group? Jo describes her TUPE Journey with EMED and two of our ACAs Kimberley and Shannon share their experiences working in Somerset.

Please note, some of this footage was filmed prior to the merger of E-zec Medical Services and ERS Medical in April 2023.

TUPE resources

As part of your TUPE transfer to EMED Group, there are a number of resources we would like to make available to you including our welcome presentation, document checklist, Employee Assistance Programme and TUPE packs. Click the links below to download these resources.

Base locations

As we draw nearer to the go-live for this service, we will reveal the addresses of our base locations here.

Meet the team

Before we welcome you to EMED Group, why not learn a little bit about some of your new colleagues?

Craig Smith
Group Chief Executive Officer
Read More
Justine Vaughan
Group Chief People Officer
Read More
Mike Woodall
Group Chief Operations Officer
Read More
Rob Harvey
Group Chief Financial Officer
Read More
EMED Group Jeroen
Jeroen van Os
Group Chief Commercial Officer
Read More
Dr Amjid Mohamed
Medical Director
Read More
Michelle Jackson
HR Business Partner
Read More
Tom Maidman
Head of Operations
Read More
Deena Chouhan
Head of People Mobilisation and Change
Read More


We’re sure you have lots of questions about EMED Group and the TUPE process, so we have created a list of FAQs to help you. Please also see the document below, which answers questions put to us at the recent engagement sessions we held with you:

TUPE Welcome Group Engagement FAQs – OCT 24

Additional SCAS FAQs – DEC 24 v2


What is TUPE?

TUPE stands for the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 amended in 2014. These are rules and changes that follow the European Community Acquired Rights Directive 1977.

TUPE aims to protect your rights if you work in a service – also called an ‘undertaking’ – that moves from one employer to another. For example, the service of providing non-emergency patient transport.

Will I retain my main current terms and conditions of employment?

Generally, yes you would. During the consultation meetings, we will discuss this with you in more detail. We have a duty to consult with you about any changes we intend to make, the reason for those changes and how this will affect you.

Will I keep my current package intact?

Yes, however, if you apply for a promotion or a change of role with EMED Group this may lead to a change in your terms.

What happens to pay and pension?

During consultation meetings we will advise you of our arrangements surrounding pay dates.

Pensions are governed by pension legislation and will be discussed with you on an individual basis.

Will EMED Group put me on a probation period when I start with the company?

No. Your length of service transfers as it is. The only reason you would be in a probation period would be if you are still in a probation period with your current employer on the date of the transfer.

What happens if I don’t want to transfer to EMED Group?

Please inform your current line manager. If you decide not to transfer then your current employer may treat you as having resigned.

What happens with my holiday entitlement?

Your holiday entitlement will transfer with you. Any holiday which has been booked and approved before your transfer to EMED Group will still be honoured. If you have any holiday left to book before the transfer date, then you should put in a request to use this as soon as possible after the transfer.

What happens if I am not at work in the run up to the transfer?

Your employment will still transfer to EMED Group on the date of the transfer regardless of whether you are off on short term sick, on annual leave, off on maternity or paternity leave etc.

Do Bank staff and VCS drivers automatically transfer under TUPE?

No, however, we will work with your current employer and ensure they are made aware of our Bank staff and VCS onboarding process, which can take place alongside this TUPE Transfer.

Who is EMED Group?

EMED Group was formed in 2023 following the merger of ERS Medical and E-zec Medical Transport Services. It is now the largest provider of non-emergency patient transport services in the UK, employing over 2,500 staff nationwide. As well as patient transport services, EMED Group also provides secure mental health services, community and educational transport, as well as medical courier services.

What is it like working for EMED Group?

EMED Group is very proud of the services we provide to our communities, and we understand that our staff are the single most important asset in delivering a great service. Given the scale of our business, we can offer you a huge range of career growth opportunities as well as a fantastic array of employee perks and benefits. During your consultation period, you’ll have the chance to discuss what life is like at EMED Group and to ask any questions about your career prospects and benefits.

InTouch newsletter

Every quarter, EMED produces a company newsletter, InTouch, to keep all our teams up to date with the latest news and stories from around the business. Our latest edition is out now, so click the button below to find out more.

Sussex TUPE Feedback (SCAS)
More than just pay

When you join EMED you’ll have access to a range of great perks designed to support your wellbeing, financial security, and work-life balance. We’ve put everything you need to know in our Employee Benefits Handbook, so you can easily explore what’s available to you.

Sussex TUPE Feedback (SCAS)
Upload your photo

To help us get your ID ready, please upload a picture for your EMED Patient Care name badge.

For the best results, please ensure that your picture:

  • Shows you looking straight into the camera
  • Shows a close-up of your head, shoulders and face
  • Is free from reflection, busy backgrounds or features other people in the picture
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Please upload a picture for your name badge.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.